There is one in every crowd!

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There is one in every crowd!

Post by Obsa »

Okay, so there’s this bus full of ugly people.
I don’t know why it was full of ugly people, and only ugly people, but it was; not a single person on the bus had ever had anyone attracted to them.
So, the bus is just going along, and the driver screws up or something, and runs head on into an oncoming truck.
Everyone dies, and goes up to meet their maker.

Well, God feels sorry for them all, and decides to grant them each one wish before they enter paradise.
So they’re in a big line in front of the gates, and he asks the first one what their wish is.
After thinking a few seconds, she says: “I want to be gorgeous.”
Now the next person hears this, and starts freaking out. He thinks it’s the greatest thing ever, and wishes to be handsome.

This continues on, everyone wishing to be beautiful/stud-like/etc., until the line is about half gone.
Then the guy at the end starts cutting up, laughing his butt off, and God casts an eye at him, thinking: “What the hell?”, but does nothing about it, and lets the same wish continue on.
Now, when there’s about 10 left, the guy is going NUTS. He’s rolling around on the clouds laughing as hard as possible, and God is just wondering what the hell is up.
So he finally gets to the guy, and asks what his wish is.

The guy calms down, stands up, and says: “Make ‘em all ugly again.”
As my dad used to say, somewhere there was a horse that died a painful death from terminal constipation due to missing a key part of its anatomy.
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